About - Smart Investor - An investment in knowledge pays the best interest


Hi, I am Satya and I started this blog out of hobby and my interest in Banking, Finance and Technology.

I am working as Manager in one of the nationalized bank in india. Daily i came across so many problems faced by our clients in day to day banking transactions and heard a lot of noise to manage finances by cutting costs and saving taxes.
So i wanna share my experiences as a banker and financial solutions & plannings which are followed by me. May be these are useful in someone's lives after. It clears banking queries & financial jargon and will also help you in saves some of your money.

So, The main theme of this blog is that Everyone has to become smarter in this modern financial era to escape from day to day financial setbacks.

If you want to share your experiences or queries or simply want to give your feedback about my blog, then you can contact me through below mentioned ways. 
Email me: satyagavsn@yahoo.com

Let's connect on:


I'll respond to you as soon as time allows

Thanks & Regards

Smart Satya

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